Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Fee Waiver Grant Application

Waiving of Fees

If you are requesting, please complete the information below.

The Niagara Transit Commission (NTC) may provide a fee waiver grant to eligible non-profit groups or organizations that provide programs, services or events that are of general benefit to the community. This is to ensure that the Niagara Transit Commission’s support of functions and events through the waiving of fees is facilitated fairly and equitably and does not burden the NTC’s annual operating budget.

Note: Insurance fees will not be waived.


Application Checklist:

  • Please answer the questions below.
  • Please submit one (1) copy of each of the mandatory documents.


Mandatory Documents:

  • A detailed budget showing revenues and expenditures.
  • Documents relating to the Region/City rental permit (if applicable):
    • All NRT fees associated with the event (quote)
  • Confirmation letter from charity (if applicable):
    • For special events whereby a portion or all of the proceeds are being donated to charity, a confirmation letter from that charity must accompany the application.

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

For Internal Use Only

Please list the cost of all fee waivers requested.


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